Partener strategic:


Bucharest, like so many other major European cities, faces the challenge of combining competitiveness and sustainable urban development simultaneously. But how all these challenges are going to impact the life quality in our city, in terms of housing, economy, culture, social and environmental conditions?Sibiu and Cluj are two other important cities in Romania that fight to become the smartest cities in our country so it’s time to see what are the first smart steps and what more can we do reflecting on the performances of other European cities, but also of a very new emerging developed region, such as United Arab Emirates especially Dubai City.
Even if the European trend of transforming our cities into some that are smarter has generated a competition in this regards, with plenty on discussions and international conferences debating this subject, we still can’t understand what is possible in developed countries and what is possible in the emerging countries. It’s time to find out.



Mr. Yacub Yousif ALHOSANI

Ambassador UAE in Romania

Mr. Mohammad ABDULLAH

General Manager Complex Media - Telecom Investments

Mr. Abdulhakim MAHMOOD

Director of the Operations Department ITC & Media City

Mr. Abdulla ALMHESNE

Director of the projects Developing in ITC & Media Sector


The agenda of the Smart City - Future City - Connected City Conference

Our one day Conference includes keynote speakers, workshops and networking sessions, combining the audience interactivity with high-level speeches. We shall discuss Key Innovations, with technology providers on one side and cities as users on the other, trying to identify the best collaboration ways and project ideas, focusing on the implementation of the IT&C innovations in sectors such as urban mobility, enterprise applications, houses connections, suitable public transportation and power distribution.

Smart City - Future City Conference - Connected City offers you the possibility to empower yourself with the latest developments in the world of sustainable innovation, both from the city and corporate leaders who will present Smart projects and solutions.

Main goal

If we really like the Future City, we have to be Smart Now and start making relevant real projects, we have to create a roadmap with very clear steps. We have local, region, European and international examples and now it’s time to implement them if we want to live in a Future Smart City!

Keywords such as e-Mobility, e-Health, e-Transportation, e-Culture, e-Sports, e-Ntertainment, Smart Grids, Cloud e-Business, Big Data, lighting will be developed in relevant Romanian and Dubai study cases.

Key topics

- Overview of the Smart City concept
- Discover the smart projects in Europe, Romania and UAE – Dubai (The Future City)
- The latest interest and financial support options offered by the European Commission for smart cities projects
- How to open the Public-Private Partnerships in creating Smart Cities – a new collaboration opportunity for government sectors to work with the corporations. How can we involve citizens in smart city projects?
- How can citizens, local governments and businesses community explore the benefits of the new technologies?

Companies invited

ADASA * Alcatel-Lucent * Alvarion * Asseco SEE * Bitdefender * Cisco * Concept Electronics * Cosmote * CS Vision * Dell * DLink * Enel * Ericsson * ESRI * Flashnet * Freescale * Fujitsu * HP * Huawei * IBM * Indeco Soft *  Intel *Intergraph Computer Services * Intrarom * Kapsch * Metrorex * Microsoft * Mira Telecom * NEC * Netcity Telecom * Nokia Siemens Networks * Oracle * Orange * PayPoint * Panasonic * Printec * RATB * Romkatel * Romtelecom * Samsung * SAP * Schneider Electric * Siemens * Simplus * SIVECO Romania * SN Radiocomunicatii SA * UTI * Vodafone

Public Partners targeted

Guvernul României * Delegaţia Comisiei Europene la Bucureşti * MSI (Ministerul pentru Societatea Informaţională) * MAE (Ministerul Afacerilor Externe) * ANCOM * ANRE * Consiliul Concurenţei * Primăria Capitalei * Ambasada UAE * Ambasada SUA * IGP (Inspectoratul General al Poliției) * Academia Română * ICI Bucureşti and Academia Tehnică Militară


AMR (Asociatia Municipiilor din Romania) * ANIAP * ANIS * ANISP * AOR (Asociatia Oraselor din Romania) * AOMR * AOTR * ARIES * ECOTIC and ISOC

EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Brussels, 10.7.2012 C(2012) 4701 final



The impact of the CONNECTED LIFE over the next five years




Network of opportunities

Location: Romanian Academy Library
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